import json import logging import typing as t from jsonschema import ValidationError, validate from app.classes.controllers.users_controller import UsersController from app.classes.models.crafty_permissions import EnumPermissionsCrafty from app.classes.models.roles import HelperRoles from app.classes.models.users import HelperUsers from app.classes.web.base_api_handler import BaseApiHandler logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ApiUsersUserIndexHandler(BaseApiHandler): def get(self, user_id: str): auth_data = self.authenticate_user() if not auth_data: return ( _, exec_user_crafty_permissions, _, _, user, ) = auth_data if user_id in ["@me", user["user_id"]]: user_id = user["user_id"] res_user = user elif EnumPermissionsCrafty.USER_CONFIG not in exec_user_crafty_permissions: return self.finish_json( 400, { "status": "error", "error": "NOT_AUTHORIZED", }, ) else: # has User_Config permission and isn't viewing self res_user = self.controller.users.get_user_by_id(user_id) if not res_user: return self.finish_json( 404, { "status": "error", "error": "USER_NOT_FOUND", }, ) # Remove password and valid_tokens_from from the response # as those should never be sent out to the client. res_user.pop("password", None) res_user.pop("valid_tokens_from", None) res_user["roles"] = list( map(HelperRoles.get_role, res_user.get("roles", set())) ) self.finish_json( 200, {"status": "ok", "data": res_user}, ) def delete(self, user_id: str): auth_data = self.authenticate_user() if not auth_data: return ( _, exec_user_crafty_permissions, _, _, user, ) = auth_data if (user_id in ["@me", user["user_id"]]) and self.helper.get_setting( "allow_self_delete", False ): user_id = user["user_id"] self.controller.users.remove_user(user_id) elif EnumPermissionsCrafty.USER_CONFIG not in exec_user_crafty_permissions: return self.finish_json( 400, { "status": "error", "error": "NOT_AUTHORIZED", }, ) else: # has User_Config permission self.controller.users.remove_user(user_id) user["user_id"], f"deleted the user {user_id}", server_id=None, source_ip=self.get_remote_ip(), ) self.finish_json( 200, {"status": "ok"}, ) def patch(self, user_id: str): user_patch_schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { **self.controller.users.user_jsonschema_props, }, "additionalProperties": False, "minProperties": 1, } auth_data = self.authenticate_user() if not auth_data: return ( _, exec_user_crafty_permissions, _, superuser, user, ) = auth_data try: data = json.loads(self.request.body) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "INVALID_JSON", "error_data": str(e)} ) try: validate(data, user_patch_schema) except ValidationError as e: return self.finish_json( 400, { "status": "error", "error": "INVALID_JSON_SCHEMA", "error_data": str(e), }, ) if user_id == "@me": user_id = user["user_id"] if ( EnumPermissionsCrafty.USER_CONFIG not in exec_user_crafty_permissions and str(user["user_id"]) != str(user_id) ): # If doesn't have perm can't edit other users return self.finish_json( 400, { "status": "error", "error": "NOT_AUTHORIZED", }, ) if "username" in data: if data["username"].lower() in ["system", ""]: return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "INVALID_USERNAME"} ) if self.controller.users.get_id_by_name( data["username"] ) is not None and self.controller.users.get_id_by_name( data["username"] ) != int( user_id ): return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "USER_EXISTS"} ) if "superuser" in data: if str(user["user_id"]) == str(user_id) and not superuser: # Checks if user is trying to change super user status # of self without superuser. We don't want that. return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "INVALID_SUPERUSER_MODIFY"} ) if not superuser: # The user is not superuser so they can't change the superuser status data.pop("superuser") if "permissions" in data: if str(user["user_id"]) == str(user_id) and not superuser: # Checks if user is trying to change permissions # of self without superuser. We don't want that. return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "INVALID_PERMISSIONS_MODIFY"} ) if EnumPermissionsCrafty.USER_CONFIG not in exec_user_crafty_permissions: # Checks if user is trying to change permissions of someone # else without User Config permission. We don't want that. return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "INVALID_PERMISSIONS_MODIFY"} ) if "roles" in data: if str(user["user_id"]) == str(user_id) and not superuser: # Checks if user is trying to change roles of # self without superuser. We don't want that. return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "INVALID_ROLES_MODIFY"} ) if EnumPermissionsCrafty.USER_CONFIG not in exec_user_crafty_permissions: # Checks if user is trying to change roles of someone # else without User Config permission. We don't want that. return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "INVALID_ROLES_MODIFY"} ) user_obj = HelperUsers.get_user_model(user_id) if "password" in data and str(user["user_id"]) != str(user_id): if str(user["user_id"]) != str(user_obj.manager) and not user["superuser"]: # TODO: edit your own password return self.finish_json( 400, {"status": "error", "error": "INVALID_PASSWORD_MODIFY"} ) if "roles" in data: roles: t.Set[str] = set(data.pop("roles")) base_roles: t.Set[str] = set(user_obj.roles) added_roles = roles.difference(base_roles) removed_roles = base_roles.difference(roles) logger.debug( f"updating user {user_id}'s roles: " f"+role:{added_roles} -role:{removed_roles}" ) for role_id in added_roles: HelperUsers.get_or_create(user_id, role_id) if len(removed_roles) != 0: self.controller.users.users_helper.delete_user_roles( user_id, removed_roles ) if "manager" in data and ( data["manager"] == self.controller.users.get_id_by_name("SYSTEM") or data["manager"] == 0 ): data["manager"] = None crafty_perms = None if "permissions" in data: permissions: t.List[UsersController.ApiPermissionDict] = data.pop( "permissions" ) permissions_mask = "0" * len(EnumPermissionsCrafty) if permissions is not None: server_quantity = {} permissions_mask = list(permissions_mask) for permission in permissions: server_quantity[permission["name"]] = permission["quantity"] permissions_mask[ EnumPermissionsCrafty[permission["name"]].value ] = ("1" if permission["enabled"] else "0") permissions_mask = "".join(permissions_mask) crafty_perms = { "permissions_mask": permissions_mask, "server_quantity": server_quantity, } # TODO: make this more efficient if len(data) != 0: for key in data: # If we don't validate the input there could be security issues value = data[key] if key == "password": value = self.helper.encode_pass(value) setattr(user_obj, key, value) self.controller.users.update_user( user_id, data, crafty_perms, ) user["user_id"], ( f"edited user {user_obj.username} (UID: {user_id})" f"with roles {user_obj.roles}" ), server_id=None, source_ip=self.get_remote_ip(), ) return self.finish_json(200, {"status": "ok"})