-- pretty location at the top require("barbecue").setup({ ---Filetypes not to enable winbar in. --- ---@type string[] exclude_filetypes = { "netrw", "toggleterm", "neogit" }, ---Whether to display path to file. --- ---@type boolean show_dirname = true, ---Whether to display file name. --- ---@type boolean show_basename = true, ---Whether to replace file icon with the modified symbol when buffer is ---modified. --- ---@type boolean show_modified = false, ---Get modified status of file. --- ---NOTE: This can be used to get file modified status from SCM (e.g. git) --- ---@type fun(bufnr: number): boolean modified = function(bufnr) return vim.bo[bufnr].modified end, ---Whether to show/use navic in the winbar. --- ---@type boolean show_navic = true, })